Who Else

Still wet earth
land beachhead
how much is ungrateful
on its promise of full

ago where we had to collect
there was no one else
a reliable
above all that we believe

Deef Gulf

the longer a difference
the deeper the gulf
the rich get richer
the poor get poorer

for the life of the world
they all compete for
do not care about other people


Athan Shubuh reverberate
Time to spread the prayer rug
Congregation better
Squeeze the line
Preparing for battle
Your enemies are very close
Your enemy is yourself


Day until a month
Thirst which you stand, Could you pass
While officials of this country, dissipating all

They are around you
They are blind, do not want to see
all suffering


The sky was crying
Do not you hear it
Earth winced in pain
Why do you paint on beauty

While the earth misses the green


Tonight the moon shines dim
maybe not all the light my village
staring at the dark sky
promised to come tonight

But shooting stars whispered to me
nothing is more beautiful than at the sky
under dim

Real Life

In real life, there is truth
truth is certainly good
The goodness of a person is not necessarily the truth

In real life, there is always a mistake
It is a natural thing, but do not mistake it serve as an escape from real life

Hati Gembira

Jantung Berdegup degup
Bibir senyam senyum
Muka berseri seri
Napas teratur
Hati gembira namanya

Cincin Permata Biru

Jemari yang lentik..
Ditangan kanannya
Berhiaskan cincin permata biru
Lalu mengapa ia memberi dengan tangan kiri


Tak ada uluran tangan bersih untukmu
Kaum dhuafa di negeri yang semu
dengan kekayaan alamnya yang biru
Bibir manis membuai janji palsu

Bertambah angka kaummu ya dhuafa
Namun tak sedikit kaum yang kaya harta
Seolah mereka menutup mata
Lalu siapa yang kaya hatinya


Layaknya seorang koruptor
Meraup harta kekayaan rakyat
Kau memburu dengan membara
Agar dunia melihatmu
Denga segala yang mentereng di sekuju badanmu
Bangga diatas derita rakyat


Senandung lagu satu bait
Upaya hilangkan rasa sakit
Paint on canvas
Try to lunakan hati yang keras
Pergi ke hiburan malam
Bergoyang di gemerlap lampu for solace
Masih tak mampu menjawab hati yang galau

Pagi terbit matahari belum terlalu tinggi
Kucoba basuh dengan air
Muka ku basuh
Mulutku berkumur
Hidung telinga rambut tampak lusuhpun ku basuh
Tangan kaki tak luput dari basuhanku

I pray To God ALLAh SWT
Kubentangkan sajadah
Bersujud, berserah, bertekuk lutut menghadap Sang Pencipta
Terasa ringan semua beban
Berkurang kegalauan       
Alhamdulillahi robil alamin